Below are the prices for delivery to remote areas. For other cities of the region that are not listed, please specify the cost of the operator.
District name | Shipping cost |
Chelyabinsk | $3.5 |
Сулейманово | $12.01 |
Садовый | $5.5 |
Каштак | $4 |
Korkino | $7.01 |
Кузяшева | $12.01 |
Красное Поле | $5.5 |
Кременкуль | $5.5 |
Миасское | $7.01 |
Полетаево | $6 |
Рощино | $6.5 |
Kopeysk | $5 |
Саргазы | $5.5 |
Увильды | $15.51 |
Федоровка | $5.5 |
Харлуши | $7.01 |
Чурилово | $4 |
Вавиловец | $4 |
Луговой | $7.51 |
Первомайский | $8.51 |
Роза | $7.01 |
Тарасовка | $3.5 |
Таловка | $5.5 |
Петровский | $6 |
Полевой | $4.5 |
Новое Поле | $4 |
Новогорный | $12.01 |
Новобатурино | $7.51 |
Марксист | $10.51 |
Малышево | $6 |
Малиновка | $6 |
Лесной | $7.51 |
Кунашак | $15.51 |
Кулуево | $10.01 |
Коелга | $12.01 |
Кисегачинский | $7.01 |
Касарги | $6 |
Калачево | $7.51 |
Кайгородово | $5.5 |
Козырево | $7.01 |
Ишалино | $6 |
Зауральский | $10.51 |
Заозерный | $8.51 |
Западный | $4 |
Еткуль | $7.01 |
Есаульский | $6 |
Yemanzhelinsk | $9.01 |
Дубровка | $9.51 |
Долгодеревенское | $4.5 |
Вознесенка | $4.5 |
Варламово | $18.01 |
Байрамгулово | $16.01 |
Белоусово | $14.51 |
Бишкиль | $10.01 |
Бутаки | $5.5 |
Биргильда | $10.01 |
Белоносово | $9.51 |
Ближний Береговой | $3.5 |
Аргаяш | $8.51 |
Аминево | $15.51 |
Айбатова | $12.01 |
Харино | $7.01 |
Черемушки | $6 |
Шибаново | $12.01 |
Шибаево | $9.01 |
Shchuchye | $18.01 |
Северный | $4 |
Смолино ж-д. ст. | $4 |
Солнечный | $7.01 |
Большое Таскино | $9.51 |
Терема | $6 |
Тимирязевский | $10.51 |
Туктубаево | $4.5 |
Травники | $9.51 |
Этимганова | $9.51 |
Ключи | $5.5 |
Октябрьский | $4 |
Сосновка | $5.5 |
Мирный | $7.01 |
The company Megaflowers takes orders for flower delivery in cities of Russia and the world 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, without breaks for weekends and holidays. Our couriers deliver flowers as quickly as possible, so that you can make your relatives and friends close to you with beautiful fresh bouquets, despite the distance.
We deliver bouquets to cities in Russia and around the world. Full list of cities and countries of delivery can be viewed here. If you have not found your city in the list, please contact our specialists by phone. 8 800 5555 714. They will prompt you the cost of delivery to your city and help you place an order.
Terms of delivery abroad presented on this page.
When ordering, you can choose one of the delivery methods:
When ordering, you can choose a specific time and date of delivery. Delivery intervals vary for different cities, depending on the opening hours of our stores.
In large cities, there is a round-the-clock delivery service. Check whether there is a round-the-clock delivery in your city, you can when adding goods to the cart. You can also ask a question to our phone specialists. 8 800 5555-714 or in chat . At night, a number of cities have higher rates.
We always try to fulfill all your wishes, including photos from the delivery. Unfortunately, we can not guarantee this always for technical reasons and in connection with the recipient’s refusal (in some cases).
Specify the cost of delivery to remote areas from our operators by phone 8 800 5555-714 or in chat.
Specify the cost of shipping abroad need to check with our operators by phone 8 800 5555-714 or in chat.
For your convenience, we accept many online payment methods, such as:
View the current list of payment methods available for the selected city of delivery - you can on the page: